ARGASSI – Sleepin’ Dogs @ GREEN FROG Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteGreen Frog presents Sleepin’ Dogs !! Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Καλοκαιρινές διαδρομές με Γιάννη Πολυσταρη & Σπύρο Λιβέρη Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteΤην Παρασκευή όπως και κάθε Παρασκευή εκεί γυρω στις 22:30 live δυνατό με Polistaris John & Liveris Spiros στο μαγικό cheers bar!!!!!Be there!!! Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Dj K.Zougras Απλά… Ελληνικά Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteΑπλά… Ελληνικά Dj K.Zougras Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
The EPIC Party – Barrage / Zakynthos – 21.7.22 Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteFeaturing the best dance party anthems and guilty pleasure songs! 80s / 90s / 00s / 10s / POP / DISCO / RNB / TRASH Thursday 21 JulyBarrage Club ZakynthosStarts: 23:00Entrance fee: 5€ Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Tango Practilonga Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteΟι βραδιές για tango πρακτική συνεχίζονται! Και αυτή τη Πέμπτη στις 22.00 !Στη Σχολή χορού Όλγα Μπέρτα Σέλληνα 👉Στη πόλη της Ζακύνθου 300 μέτρα από τo λιμάνι και την εκκλησία του Αγίου Διονυσίου 👉45 τμ Αίθουσα 👉 Ξύλινο πάτωμα 👉Αίθουσα με κλιματισμό 👉μπαλκόνι είσοδος 5 ευρώ με ελαφρύ ποτό Tango practice […] Spread the love for Zante
Its DannyT Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteDannyT will be bringing the baseline every week to CherryBay Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Latin Party Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteLatin Party Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Estate 2022 a Zante con! Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ti porta a Zante per un’estate PAZZESCA: natura incontaminata, escursioni, pool party, nuovi amici, mare fantastico ed eventi! Non manca nulla per un’estate indimenticabile😎! Al mattino avrai l’imbarazzo della scelta tra i tanti punti mare dalla bellezza mozzafiato🌊: l’isolotto di Marathonissi con le sue acque cristalline, la riserva naturale di […] Spread the love for Zante
FLYIN’ ROOSTERS live Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteBlues, rock n’roll, country, swing and boogie 🎶 Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
The EPIC Party – Barrage / Zakynthos – 14.7.22 Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteFeaturing the best dance party anthems and guilty pleasure songs! 80s / 90s / 00s / 10s / POP / DISCO / RNB / TRASH Thursday 14 JulyBarrage Club ZakynthosStarts: 23:00Entrance fee: 5€ Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante