Foto – Workshop mit Arturo Telle Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteUW-Foto Workshop mit Arturo Telle Thiemann! Vom 18.09.-25.09.2022 veranstaltet das Nero-Sport Diving Center ein kleines aber feines Highlight für die diesjährige Saison.Ein Foto-Workshop mit Arturo ist für jedermann, egal ob kleine oder große Kamera – Anfänger oder Fortgeschritten, hier wird auf alle eingegangen.2 Workshops á 3 Tage finden in der Woche […] Spread the love for Zante
ABSOLVENT ZAKYNTHOS Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteBi rad jeseni žural s ŠKK-jem na enem izmed najbolj žurerskih otokov v Grčiji? Pridi z nami na ABSOLVENTA na Zakynthos 🎉🕺💃 Kdaj? 17. – 24. 9. 2022S kom? S Collegiumom in ŠKK-jem Cena: Za člane ŠKK je cena samo 170€ 😍 (cena za nečlane je 209€) POZOR! Prijave zbiramo samo […] Spread the love for Zante
Andy Lawrence at The Cronulla Bar, Kalamaki Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteSolo Vocalist singing songs from across the decades Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Zante Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteZante, Grecia4 giorni nella bellissima isola greca situata nelle isole Ionie.Partenza il 17 settembre da Roma Fiumicino con volo Wizz Air alle ore 13.00Ritorno 20 settembre volo Wizz Air alle ore 10.00 Da non perdere:La spiaggia del relitto.Le Blue Caves.Zante Town.L’isola delle tartarughe.Faraglioni di Mizithres. Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
6th World Wellness Weekend Lesante Cape Zakynthos Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteOn September 16th-18th Lesante Cape Resort & Villas, in Zakynthos, Greece, celebrates the 6th World Wellness Weekend by holding event activities & offering Spa treatments & Wellness sessions to our guests!#openevent **Participation only by registration or appointment. Schedule @SPA! Tel.: +30 26950 44495Email: [email protected] Info/ Program Spread the love for […] Spread the love for Zante
Latin Party Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteLatin Party Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Ίβαλα ίβαλα, ω, πάμε γιαλό γιαλό – Κάστρο Ζακύνθου Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteΜια ομάδα ηθοποιών, ένας σύγχρονος “χορός” (ανα)συνθέτει μια καταιγιστική και εν τω άμα τελετουργική μουσικο-θεατρική παράσταση/αφήγηση για την Σμύρνη το διαμάντι της ανατολής. Πώς αφανίζεται μια πολύβουη, πολυπολιτισμική πόλη από την έξαρση των εθνικισμών, τα ιμπεριαλιστικά συμφέροντα, την καλλιέργεια των παθών , την αμετροέπεια, τον κοντόφθαλμο μικροκομματισμό και τον πανταχού παρόντα […] Spread the love for Zante
Yoga and Beach Retreat in Zakynthos from £645 per person Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zante7 days of warm sunshine, delicious homecooked Greek food and twice daily yoga sessions to revive and restore the senses. Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Revitalising and Rejuvenating 5-Day Beach Yoga Retreat Zakynthos, Greece Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteRevitalising and Rejuvenating 5-Day Beach Yoga Retreat Zakynthos, Greece9th to 13th September 2022 The SWYO Revitalising and Rejuvenating 5 Day Beach Yoga Retreat Zakynthos is a beautifully relaxing and regenerating experience that features beautiful holistic sunrise flow yoga practices on the beach, yoga workouts, yogalates, meditation and plant-based food with fresh […] Spread the love for Zante
Καλοκαιρινές διαδρομές με Γιάννη Πολυσταρη & Σπύρο Λιβέρη Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteΤην Παρασκευή όπως και κάθε Παρασκευή εκεί γυρω στις 22:30 live δυνατό με Polistaris John & Liveris Spiros στο μαγικό cheers bar!!!!!Be there!!! Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante