dance-show-saakinado-zante dance show in sarakinado Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zantesonia mihanou dance school is pleased to invite you to the dance show in SARAKINADO at the stage of the theater June 30 at 21 July 1st at 7.30pm Entrance 5 euros Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Καλοκαιρινες διαδρομες με Γιαννη Πολυσταρη και Σπυρο Λιβερη Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteΚαθε Παρασκεη ραντεβου στο CHEERS με Γιαννη Πολυσταρη και Σπυρο Λιβερη Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Our wedding Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteWedding day Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
EL PARADISO Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteEL PARADISO SALE JOURNÉE 🔞 Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Tidal Boat Party Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteZante’s Biggest boat party multiple times a week in the summer fuelled by a 1 hour free bar on board Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Full Moon Pool Party Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteThailands Biggest party comes to Pure Zante for 2023! Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Αναβιώνοντας την παιδική χαρά 🦋 Reviving Children’s Joy Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zante*for English scroll below… Αναβιώνοντας την παιδική χαρά 🦋Βιωματικό Εργαστήριο Ανοίγοντας τη Χρυσαφένια πόρτα της παιδικότητας μας.. αποταυτίζοντας τον ενήλικα και αφήνοντας το παιδί να ξεπηδήσει από μέσα μας.. να παίξει και να χαρεί χωρίς λόγο και αφορμή… να ενθυμηθεί την ευτυχία και τη χαρά.. να ξανά γνωρίσει τη ζωή ανακαλύπτοντας […] Spread the love for Zante
Tabăra Mamă – Fiică (8-12+ ani) Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteTabăra Mamă – Fiică este un proiect care a ajuns la ediția a X-a. De-a lungul anilor, sute de mame și fiice și-au adus relația și s-au (re)cunoscut una pe alta și din prisma comunicării deschise, alături de un grup de alte mame și fiice. Această Tabără este dedicată mamelor cu […] Spread the love for Zante
dance-show-saakinado-zante dance show in sarakinado Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zantesonia mihanou dance school is pleased to invite you to the dance show in SARAKINADO at the stage of the theater June 30 at 21 July 1st at 7.30pm Entrance 5 euros Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
КИНО НА КИПРЕ! Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zante24 июня 2023 года Группа Кино сыграет большой концерт в честь 60-летия Виктора Цоя, который пройдет под открытым небом в Zante Venue.Шоу возрожденного КИНО требует зрелищности и масштаба, поэтому оно пройдет на самой популярной площадке Лимассола. Группа КИНО прекратила существовать, когда была одной из самых мощных и популярных русскоязычных групп в […] Spread the love for Zante