Rescue Club Paint Party Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteRescue club Paint Party – Zante’s biggest paint party every Wednesday night Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Petros Klampanis•Tora Collective-Live Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteTORA COLLECTIVE -LIVEΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 9 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥTO NISI Resto – ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ Μια καλοκαιρινή βραδιά κάτω από τα αστέρια και μπροστά στη θάλασσα, ο διακεκριμένος και παγκοσμίως γνωστός μπασίστας, συνθέτης και παραγωγός Πέτρος Κλαμπάνης, θα μας ταξιδέψει μουσικά με κομμάτια από το νέο του δίσκο με τίτλο “Tora Collective”.Θα τον συνοδεύουν η διεθνούς φήμης […] Spread the love for Zante
Mahogani Summer Concerts Chapter 6: Corelli, Mozart & Haydn Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteOn Wednesday the 9th of August, at 20:15, the Mahogani team welcomes you to the sixth concert of our summer series 2023.The main focus of the program will be the ‘Classical Period’ of music history, the time roughly between 1750 and 1800. Did you know that the term ‘classical music’ is […] Spread the love for Zante
Tidal Boat Party Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteZante’s Biggest boat party multiple times a week in the summer fuelled by a 1 hour free bar on board Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Каяци на о-в Закинтос Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zante🚣♂☀🌤 Седмичен каяк около една от перлите на Йонийско море – о-в Закинтос. 👉Среща с костенурките Caretta-Caretta 📅 7ми-13ти август С каяците ще посетим най-атрактивните плажове – Хигия, Сините пещери, Агиос Стефанос и други. Задължително ще си направим и селфи с най-атрактивния плаж и кораб – Navagio. Вечерите са с узо […] Spread the love for Zante
Full Moon Pool Party Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteThailands Biggest party comes to Pure Zante for 2023! Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Live Music with Vasilikos Social Club Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Πέτρος Κλαμπάνης • Tora Collective LIVE Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZantePETROS KLAMPANIS TORA COLLECTIVE LIVEΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ 7 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥΠΟΡΤΟΚΑΛΙ • ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ Ο διεθνούς φήμης μπασίστας και συνθέτης Πέτρος Κλαμπάνης την Δευτέρα 7/8 μας υποδέχεται στην αυλή του «Πορτοκαλιού» με τον έκτο προσωπικό δίσκο του “Tora Collective”, μια απροσδόκητη συνάντηση της παράδοσης με την jazz που έχει αγαπηθεί εντός και εκτός συνόρων, για ένα […] Spread the love for Zante
Tidal Boat Party Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteZante’s Biggest boat party multiple times a week in the summer fuelled by a 1 hour free bar on board Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Summer Jump Crystal Waters Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zante3οn3 Beach Basketball Tournament Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante