Καλοκαιρινά ραντεβού Live Γιώργο Ματσιουλα & ALMA Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteΡαντεβού κάθε Παρασκευή στο Cheers Bar εκεί κάπου στις 22:30 Live music https://www.facebook.com/events/341709188664653/?event_time_id=341709255331313 Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
“salon” open studio – Fridays Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zantea weekly check-in on our projects stop by and we’ll see how we can help each other topic of the week: carnival/ bachanal https://www.facebook.com/events/930496204918896/?event_time_id=930496254918891 Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Paint Party Zante Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZantePaint, Party, Repeat: Dive into the Chaos of Paint Party Zante! Paint Party Zante is an experience like no other. The vibrant colors and lively atmosphere create a chaotic yet exhilarating environment. The idea of immersing oneself in paint, dancing, and letting loose is a recipe for a memorable night full […] Spread the love for Zante
Sleepin’ Dogs LIVE at Green Frog Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteSleepin’ Dogs are back for one more season at Green Frog! On Tuesdays at 22:00. https://www.facebook.com/events/1111396853468859/?event_time_id=1111396860135525 Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Zakynthos Ballet and wellness retreat Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteTaking bookings for our end of May retreat!!! Please pop your email below for more information and how to book to enjoy this lovely island for sun Ballet/Pilates and relaxation!!! With world renowned teachers! 🩰🩰🩰🫶🏼😻 https://www.facebook.com/events/1478022553123045/ Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
Griechenland Reise mit Mehrwert: Auszeit, Gleichgesinnte, Workshop und ganz viel 🌊 Meer, Woche 2 Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zantedetaillierte Infos:www.waltraudneubauer.at/griechenland-retreat Weitere Termine 17.5.-24.5 und 31.5.-7.6.24Entdecke die Magie deiner Selbst in einem unvergesslichen Griechenland-Retreat auf der zauberhaften Insel Zakynthos! 🇬🇷🌟MUT STEHT AM ANFANG, GLÜCK AM ENDE!!!Hast du schon immer davon geträumt, Griechenland zu besuchen? Möchtest du deinen Urlaub mit persönlichem Wachstum verbinden? Stell dir vor, du investierst nur ca. 3 […] Spread the love for Zante
Zakynthos Ballet and wellness retreat 2024! Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteBookings and inquiries for May ballet and well-being retreat underway! Join us on this lovely island for Pilates Ballet Repertoire and relaxation amongst the sun seal and turtles in Zakynthos 2024! Taught by Royal Ballet and ENB qualified teachers and make dance friends for life!! https://www.facebook.com/events/225604993964846/ Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante
DHE ZANTE WEEKENDER avec TAK DAT Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for ZanteNEW DESTINATION ZANTE !!! 🇬🇷TAK DAT GOES TO DHE GREECE 🇬🇷 Du 22 au 29 MAI 20247jrs ☀️/ 7nts🌛 》》 11 EVENTS 🤯 ⭐TARIF : 900€ TTC VOL +TRANSFERT+HOTEL(all inclusive) +PASS On t’emmène en excursion sur l’île de ZANTE EN GRÈCE 🇬🇷 VIVRE DES MOMENTS I. N. O. U. B. L. […] Spread the love for Zante
ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟ -ΚΑΛΛΙΤΕΧΝΙΚΟ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ “ΜΑΖΙ” Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zante17:30 Προσέλευση17:45-18:00 Χαιρετισμοί18:00-19:00 Εργαστήρια Συλλόγου Φίλων Ξενοπούλειου Βιβλιοθήκης με θέμα; ” «Τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα μέσα από τους 17 στόχους της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης» (* προεγγραφή στο τηλέφωνο της βιβλιοθήκης 26950 45078, πρωί 9:00-13:00) ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ: «Ζωή στο νερό» 14ος Σ.Β.Α -ΑΡΘΡΑ 6 &27 με τις Ε. Παναγιώτου ,Ε. Σαραντάρη & Δ. Ντάουλα.Α ΤΑΞΗ: […] Spread the love for Zante
“salon” open studio – Fridays Spread the love for ZanteSpread the love for Zantea weekly check-in on our projects stop by and we’ll see how we can help each other topic of the week: carnival/ bachanal https://www.facebook.com/events/930496204918896/?event_time_id=930496221585561 Spread the love for Zante Spread the love for Zante